To set or retrieve the current date.
As a statement:
As a variable:
string_expression is a valid string literal or variable.
string_expression can be any of the following formats when assigning the date:
If you specify only the last two digits of the year, DATE$
assumes that the first two digits are 19.
If string_expression is not a valid string, a “Type Mismatch” error results. Previous values are retained.
If any of the values are out of range or missing, an “Illegal Function Call” error is issued. Any previous date is retained.
The current date (as assigned when the operating system was initialized) is fetched and assigned to the string variable if DATE$
is the expression in a LET or PRINT statement.
The current date is stored if DATE$
is the target of a string assignment.
With v$=DATE$
returns a 10-character string in the form mm-dd-yyyy. mm is the month (01 to 12), dd is the day (01 to 31), and yyyy is the year (1980 to 2099).