Community QBasic

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Project maintained by Cory Smith


Displays a graphics image on the screen.


PUT [ STEP] (x,y), array[(index) ] [, display_verb]


The keyword STEP indicates that x and y are offsets from the last point drawn, as opposed to physical coordinates.

array is the name of the array containing the image to display.

index is the index where the graphics begins in the array.

display_verb indicates how the image is displayed.

Animation of an object is usually performed as follows:

Movement done this way leaves the background unchanged. Flicker can be cut down by minimizing the time between Steps 4 and 1, and by making sure that there is enough time delay between Steps 1 and 3. If more than one object is being animated, process every object at once, one step at a time.

If it is not important to preserve the background, animation can be performed using the PSET action verb.

Leave a border around the image (when it is first gotten) as large or larger than the maximum distance the object will move. Thus, when an object is moved, this border effectively erases any points. This method may be somewhat faster than the method using XOR described above since only one PUT is required to move an object. However, the image to be PUT must be larger than the existing image.


PSET (130, 120)
DRAW "U25; E7; R20; D32; L6; U12; L14"
DRAW "D12; L6": PSET(137, 102)
DRAW "U4; E4; R8; D8; L12"
PSET (137, 88)
DRAW "E4; R20; D32; G4": PAINT (131,119)
DIM A (500)
GET (125, 130)-(170, 80), A
FOR I= 1 TO 1000: NEXT I
PUT (20, 20), A, PSET
FOR I= 1 TO 1000: NEXT i
GET (125, 130)-(170, 80), A
FOR I= 1 TO 1000: NEXT I
PUT (220, 130), A, PRESET
DIM box(1 TO 200)
x1 = 0
x2 = 10
y1 = 0
y2 = 10
LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), 2, BF 'Create a box
GET (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), box    'Save image
FOR i = 1 TO 10000
  PUT (x1, y1), box, XOR      'Move box around
  x1 = RND * 300              'screen randomly
  y1 = RND * 180
  PUT (x1, y1), box

See Also