Community QBasic

Rebooting the QBasic we all know and love!

Project maintained by Cory Smith

SCREEN (Function)

Returns the character or the color attribute for the character at the specified row and column.


x=SCREEN(row,column[, get_color])


row and column are the coordinates of the character.

get_color is a numeric expression. If get_color is 1, SCREEN returns the color of the character. If get_color is 0 or is omitted, SCREEN returns the ASCII value of the character at the specified position.


DIM scr(1 TO 25, 1 TO 80) AS INTEGER
'Store current screen contents
FOR row = 1 TO 25
  FOR column = 1 TO 80
    scr(row, column) = SCREEN(row, column)
  NEXT column
NEXT row