Community QBasic

Rebooting the QBasic we all know and love!

Project maintained by Cory Smith


Fills a graphics screen image with the specified color or pattern.


PAINT[STEP] (x, y) [, [{color tile}] [, [ bordercolor] [, background]]]


The keyword STEP indicates that x and y are offsets from the current graphics position as opposed to physical coordinates.

x, y is a set of coordinates within the graphics image.

color is the desired fill color. If you omit color, PAINT uses the current foreground color.

tile is a fill pattern 8 bits wide and up to 64 bits long that is defined as follows:

tile$ = CHR$(n) [+ CHR$(n)]…

Where the values of n are integers between 0 and 255. Each CHR$(n) defines a 1-byte, 8-pixel slice of the fill pattern based on the binary form of the number.

bordercolor is the color of the border surrounding the graphics image. If you omit bordercolor, PAINT uses color.

background is a one-character string that specifies a background pattern that can be painted over. If you omit background, PAINT uses CHR$(0).

Paint Tiling

PAINT tiling is similar to LINE styling. Like LINE, PAINT looks at a tiling mask each time a point is put down on the screen.

If paint attribute is omitted, the standard foreground attribute is used.

If paint attribute is a numeric formula, then the number must be a valid color, and it is used to paint the area as before.

If paint attribute is a string formula, then tiling is performed as follows:

The tile mask is always eight bits wide and may be from 1 to 64 bytes long.

Each byte in the tile string masks eight bits along the x axis when putting down points. Each byte of the tile string is rotated as required to align along the y axis, such that:

tile_byte_mask=y MOD tile_length

where y is the position of the graphics cursor on the y-axis.

tile_length is the length in bytes of the tile string defined by the user (1 to 64 bytes).

This is done so that the tile pattern is replicated uniformly over the entire screen (as if a PAINT (0,0).. were used).

x Increases -->        Bit of Tile Byte
x,y  8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0,0 |x|x|x|x|x|x|x|x|  Tile byte 1
0,1 |x|x|x|x|x|x|x|x|  Tile byte 2
0,2 |x|x|x|x|x|x|x|x|  Tile byte 3
0,63 |x|x|x|x|x|x|x|x| Tile byte 64
                       (maximum allowed)

In high-resolution mode (SCREEN 2), the screen can be painted with Xs by the following statement:

PAINT (320,100),CHR$(&H81)+CHR$(&H42)+CHR$(&H24)+CHR$(&H18)+CHR$(&H18)+CHR$(&H24)+CHR$(&H81)

This appears on the screen as follows:

x increases -->
0,0 |x| | | | | | |x|  CHR$(&H81)  Tile byte 1
0,1 | |x| | | | |x| |  CHR$(&H42)  Tile byte 2
0,2 | | |x| | |x| | |  CHR$(&H24)  Tile byte 3
0,3 | | | |x|x| | | |  CHR$(&H18)  Tile byte 4
0,4 | | | |x|x| | | |  CHR$(&H18)  Tile byte 5
0,5 | | |x| | |x| | |  CHR$(&H24)  Tile byte 6
0,6 | |x| | | | |x| |  CHR$(&H42)  Tile byte 7
0,7 |x| | | | | | |x|  CHR$(&H81)  Tile byte 8

Since there are two bits per pixel in medium-resolution mode (SCREEN 1), each byte of the tile pattern only describes four pixels. In this case, every two bits of the tile byte describes one of the four possible colors associated with each of the four pixels to be put down.

bckgrnd attribute specifies the background tile pattern or color byte to skip when checking for boundary termination. bckgrnd attribute is a string formula returning one character. When omitted, the default is CHR$(0).

Occasionally, you may want to paint tile over an already painted area that is the same color as two consecutive lines in the tile pattern. PAINT quits when it encounters two consecutive lines of the same color as the point being set (the point is surrounded). It is not possible to draw alternating blue and red lines on a red background without bckgrnd attribute. PAINT stops as soon as the first red pixel is drawn. By specifying red (CHR$(&HAA)) as the background attribute, the red line is drawn over the red background.

You cannot specify more than two consecutive bytes in the tile string that match the background attribute. Specifying more than two results in an “Illegal function call” error.


LINE (0, 0)-(100, 150), 2, B
PAINT (50, 50), 1, 2
LOCATE 20, 1

See Also